Case studies

Friction Survey of A40 Raglan, Wales


As leading academics undertaking research on road surface materials and characteristics we specialise in non-standard testing and consultancy.


R3 conducted a friction survey on two newly laid asphalt surfaces along the A40 Raglan near Monmouth, Wales. These surfaces, comprising WG SMA 10 surf PMB PSV68 and WG SMA 6 surf PMB PSV68, were laid by Breedon the previous week.

What was the challenge?

The challenge lay in assessing the friction levels of the newly laid asphalt surfaces to ensure road safety and compliance with standards set for the Wales Trunk Road Network. With the potential risks associated with inadequate friction levels, including reduced vehicle braking efficiency and increased accident rates, accurate testing and analysis were crucial.

What was the solution?

R3 conducted the survey using the GripTester “A” series-measuring tyre. The testing vehicle, equipped with an automatic watering system, traversed Lane 1 Eastbound at as per Breedon’s instructions. Three runs were completed in Lane 1, against the traffic flow direction, under carefully managed traffic conditions to ensure crew safety. The survey covered Breedon’s proprietary surfaces designated for use on the Wales Trunk Road Network. These results provided valuable data on the friction levels of the newly laid asphalt surfaces.


The friction survey of the A40 Raglan successfully addressed the challenge of assessing the friction levels of the newly laid asphalt surfaces. By employing rigorous testing methodologies, R3 provided Breedon with accurate data essential for ensuring road safety and compliance with regulatory standards.

Continued monitoring and periodic friction surveys are recommended to track surface performance over time and facilitate proactive maintenance interventions as needed. Collaboration between R3 and Breedon remains instrumental in maintaining high standards of road safety and infrastructure integrity on the Wales Trunk Road Network.

What the client said:

We are very impressed with the professionalism demonstrated by R3 in conducting the friction survey at A40 Raglan. The comprehensive analysis provided invaluable insights into the performance of our Stone Mastic Asphalt (SMA) surfaces.

The precision maintained throughout the testing process, reflects R3’s commitment to delivering accurate and reliable results. The findings from this survey not only contribute significantly to our ongoing material trial but also provide crucial data for optimising road safety and infrastructure design within the Wales Trunk Road Network. R3’s expertise and thoroughness have enhanced our confidence in making informed decisions regarding material performance.

Patrick Lynch-Gardner

Technical Manager, Breedon